Thursday, November 5, 2009

To All the Yankee Fans...

OK, so the Yankees won the World Series. Forgive me if I'm not excited for the city of New York. Since the New York Yankees became a franchise in the 1920's, they have consistently been the hated team in baseball. Why, you ask? It's simple. The fans of this franchise are creating a burning hatred for the team because you all feel as if you did something to contribute to them winning.

Earth to all Yankee fans: Just because you wear a Yankee hat or a jersey with "Jeter 2" on the back, does not make you a part of that team. You can say things like "We should have won such and such game." The truth is, the team, its players, management and coaches care nothing about you. All they worry about is if you pay extraordinary amounts of money for tickets.

The Yankees are slowly destroying the game of baseball. Their philosophy of "Let's buy a team, and if the person is no good, oh well, we'll just go out and buy more players" is leading to the downfall of the national pastime. Look at the players that they went out and spent ridiculous amounts for that didn't pan out: Kevin Brown (31 million in 2 years), Jaret Wright (3 yrs, 21 million), Carl Pavano (4 yrs, 40 million), and Kei Igawa (5 yrs, 20 million). They just spend, spend, spend, and feel nothing about making smaller market teams irrelevant in the free agent market. They set the price by making ridiculous offers to players that are not even close to deserving.

Yankee fans can go ahead and gloat about how they won another World Series but the fact of the matter is they had to spend 482 million dollars on three players to get it. And I'm sure this offseason they will go out and offer a 200 million dollar contract to Matt Holliday because Johnny Damon has run his course. And the collective baseball world will sigh a huge breath of disgust as baseball is further run into the ground.

You Yankee fans can go ahead and call me a jealous Met fan. I double dare you. Then we can meet somewhere and I can explain to you that I have a brain and that the Yankees are making me, and others (see Heaton, Luke) hate the game and stop watching it all together.

Until a salary cap is instituted in baseball, the game will become a matter of who can spend the most money. And until you fans refuse to spend less money on tickets the Yankees will just keep on spending. That day will never come because these Yankee fans are so unintelligent that they will keep rooting for this team.

I dare any of you to respond to this. You want to have a debate, lets do it. A real baseball fan (me) against someone who thinks they know the game (Yankee fans).

Bring it.

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